Regio Zuid-Holland | Decentralized production of green ammonia

Investments in renewable energy, especially in regards to wind power in the Netherlands, are.expanding in order to meet the Kyoto targets. However, wind power is associated with.intermittency – that can be the difference between day and night, or seasonal, or in fact from.minute to minute. Utilities or grid operators have to find ways to deal with intermittent wind.power; if not wind power could be curtailed and wasted. Thus, there should be a system where the peaks and troughs of wind power can be managed, and not just technically.and institutionally but also economically. One way to manage the interim surplus of wind.power could be the conversion into a value-added product, such as ammonia. Ammonia is one.of the largest produced chemical in the world. Within the Zuid Holland region various.applications for ammonia include usage for fertilizers, precursor for other chemicals (amines,.etc), as a de-Nox agent and in small parts as an energy carrier..Although, ammonia is one of the largest traded commodities in the world, currently more than.99% of it is produced centrally and then distributed around the world. Secondly, ammonia.prices vary largely throughout the year. Given these factors, it is difficult for businesses reliant.on ammonia to procure it reliably and at a good price. As this feasibility study focuses on.converting intermittent wind power into ammonia – it aims at avoiding potential wastage of.wind power on one side, while producing green chemicals on the other. Furthermore, there is a.demand for green chemicals, especially within the Westland region – where greenhouses are.demanding green fertilizers for their ‘bio products.’ Such decentralized ammonia production.could have long-term impacts on businesses, in the Zuid Holland region, which are reliant on.Ammonia. Such businesses would have the opportunity to produce ammonia on their own,.thus having more control over their supply chain. Also, decentralized production reduces the.costs/time required for transport, logistics, clearances/protocols, etc..This feasibility study will determine the conditions under which intermittent wind can be.converted into green ammonia decentrally. This study addresses technical, institutional and.economic aspects to reveal the bottlenecks, advantages and disadvantages of capturing.intermittent wind to produce ammonia within the Zuid Holland region..


Projectnummer MIT-2015-0576
Rijksbijdrage € 47.600,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2015
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Chemie en kunststoffen
Aanvrager Proton Ventures B.V.