Regio Zuid | Generic high density 2D multi-fibre connection technology

Silicon photonics is a technology that is rapidly advancing, and shows large promises for a multitude of application areas, among which are network connection technology and high performance computing. The advance of this technology towards real-life applications is hampered by the limitations in connection technology to connect these devices optically to their environment. To solve these limitations, a generic high density fibre-optic connection technology, which is compliant with photonics packaging, is urgently required. MA3 Solutions has a lot of experience with dedicated, non-generic, high density optical connectors for ICT and semiconductor applications. In the proposed project, MA3 Solutions plans to seek and answer to the most relevant feasibility questions regarding the move from non-generic connectors to generic connectors. Part of these questions can be answered by a paper study, but a major technical hurdle still lies in the extreme accuracies required for alignment of single mode fibres. This will be answered by the experimental part of the MIT project. At the end of the project, MA3 Solutions expects to be at a technology readiness level where it is possible to start the actual development of this generic connector technology. It is envisioned to do this development within a network of partners that will be contacted during the MIT project. As such, this proposed MIT project will be the starting point for a development that will be enabling for the application of photonics in a multitude of products. This will benefit both the high tech region Noord-Brabant, as well as the photonics industry in the Netherlands in general.


Projectnummer MIT-2015-0481
Rijksbijdrage € 35.600,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2015
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager MA3 Solutions B.V.