Regio Utrecht | Mapping the mycobiome

The overarching aim of this project is to experimentally develop and validate an innovative detection method that explores the role of the mycobiome in gastrointestinal health and disease. .Project acronym: MYCOMAP.The short-term objectives and results of the project are: .1. To establish an experimental method for the detection of a unique mycobiome composition using newly generated ITS-1 sequencing tool pipeline.2. To validate this detection method in rat-models with functional bowel disorders and their respective controls.3. To validate this pipeline in human samples derived from cohorts of functional bowel disorders and controls.4. To valorise this detection system and implement it in Gut-Research technology portfolio, as a .reagent-test for fungal-associated disease states..The main project result is to implement a validated method for mapping the gut-mycobiome through a bioinformatics analyses pipeline, with well understandable presentation of outcomes for the lay audience. At the end of the project this method will be valorised and exploited by Gut Research BV and implemented in potential anti-fungal therapeutic strategies in close collaboration with (medical) nutrition and/or pharmaceutical companies. We aim to leverage interactions through the mycobiome detection method, and newly gathered intellectual property. .The long-term project aim is to elucidate the gut-mycobiome contributing to the progression of fungusassociated diseases and its pivotal role in maintaining health and preventing disease. The experimental development of a validated detection method in relevant animal models will expand current understanding of the microbial ecosystem and its interactions with different biomes in disease pathogenesis and in development novel therapeutic strategies. Currently, mycobiome data, and the method to establish those, are generally lacking in pre-clinical settings, emphasizing the highly innovative nature of this approach. .Hence, this gut-mycobiome concept will be promising and unique in the Netherlands.


Projectnummer MIT-2015-0448
Rijksbijdrage € 155.400,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2015
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Agro en visserij, Voedings- en genotmiddelen
Aanvrager Descin BV