Regio Noord | Encapsulation in a shell of gas

Encapsulation may be defined as a process to entrap one substance within another substance,.thereby producing particles with diameters of a few nm to a few mm. The great thing about.encapsulation is that the applications are almost endless (mainly pharma/food/medical)..However, the current encapsulation technologies have limitations, such as leakage and limited.shelf life..Bether Encapsulates developed together with Princeton University a solution that could change.these markets radically. They are able to encapsulate drugs as well as other ingredients in of air. This patented solution, called a particle-stabilized anti-bubbles, will overcome.all the limitations that current encapsulation technologies have..The most obvious applications for this invention seenn to be in the life sciences and health.sector, as it could be used as technological solution for taste masking of drugs and for.triggered and local drug delivery..The market potential of a new and better encapsulation technology is huge. To give an.indication of the current encapsulation business, for food it is estinnated to be a 25 billion worldwide, whereas the market for drug encapsulation is estimated to amount to.close to 100 billion dollar in the US alone..The aim of this feasibility study is to identify the most promising & feasible development.path(s) for the anti-bubble technology based on an assessnnent. This feasibility study will focus.on the assessment of 3 fields (pharnna/food/imaging guided therapy) and ultimately aims to.deternnine the specific applications in all these three fields..The diversity of applications, in combination with the fact that Bether Encapsulates is a, makes that it is necessary to examine the feasibility of the development of.various applications on both economic and technical aspects.


Projectnummer MIT-2015-0200
Rijksbijdrage € 34.800,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2015
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Bether encapsulates