Automated Transfer of Graphene

Openbare samenvatting: Graphene production has come a long way since the first small flakes of material were isolated using sticky tape and graphite in 2004. Since the isolation of graphene from graphite by hand is not a viable production method for applications in the semiconductor industry, Applied Nanolayers (ANL) has developed an automated CVD production method of graphene on semiconductor industry, standard size 200 mm wafers. This is an essential component in setting up a reliable supply chain for the integration and industrialization of graphene into novel sensors, opto-electronic applications and thin membranes. ANL successfully implemented its first MIT project in 2014 (MITHT13099), which resulted in the above-mentioned automated CVD production method. This project (SPG) consisted of vacuum and thermal design, construction and installation of the equipment, testing and process development. Some challenges still remain to be resolved. High quality graphene growth takes place on dedicated substrates at exceedingly high temperatures. These conditions are not compatible with regular device manufacturing in the semiconductor industry. Instead the process flow is one of production on a dedicated growth substrate and system, and then a subsequent cold transfer of the produced graphene layer to other substrates such as Silicon, Silicon Oxide (Si, SiO2, PET, h-BN,) etc. This project aims at improving and automating the manual transfer method of graphene and other two-dimensional materials (2DM) developed by Applied Nanolayers. The method should be optimized such that damage to and contamination of the graphene are minimal and can be scaled up to 200 mm wafers. Furthermore, it must be amenable to full automation.


Projectnummer MIT-2015-0183
Rijksbijdrage € 152.985,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2015
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Applied Nanolayers B.V.