Open Set - Design Platform for education and innovation

[Aanvrager/Partner] offers a design platform titled Open Set to facilitate international collaborative research, educational programs, and to promote the efficiency of the creative industry to solving societal challenges. . To enter a new innovative growth phase we need more knowledge to address technical and organizational challenges. I. Knowledge needed for expanding the hybrid nature of Open Set as a platform with both online and physical programs/ activities that answer to the contemporary state of international collaborations. II. Knowledge needed for making educational and international knowledge exchange activities more sustainable. As a result, the Dutch creatives can benefit from our platform by opening new networks and projects for international audiences, which strengthen the international competitiveness of the sector, via international collaboration and media promotion; they will benefit by learning from the Dutch and International pioneers in the field and cross–overs; the other non creative sectors will benefit as well by discovering the potential of creatives to address societal challenges.


Projectnummer MIT-2016-0083
Rijksbijdrage € 10.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2016
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Creatieve industrie
Aanvrager Aanvrager geen rechtspersoon