Regio Zuid-Holland | Specifying Phage Vapor Administration For Lysing Optimalisation.

Bacsassin is an innovative company developing a new treatment paradigm in the fight against global spreading of multi-resistant bacteria. After having established that eradication of infected areas in example settings such as hospitals is feasible, the company would now like to establish proof of concept by establishing the optimal treatment protocol for eradication. The protocol should be applicable to contaminated rooms or other infected areas or equipment, in particular in hospital settings, but may also be expanded to other relevant care settings. .The key project milestone is related to the establishment of the optimal treatment protocol. In order to establish this, key variables that have been established previously, will be varied in a systematic manner. Sensitivity analyses will then establish, which are the key variables and based on the quantitative outcomes these parameters will be set at their optimal value. .


Projectnummer MIT-2017-0733
Rijksbijdrage € 25.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2017
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Bacsassin