Regio Zuid | Feasibility electrophysiological in vitro cell-based assays based on additive manufacturing

The aim of this project is to determine the feasibilty of developing a technology platform for next-generation scalable, low-cost drug testing assays based on additive manufacturing methods and materials. This by using additive manufacturing for life science applications, specifically for in vitro cell-based assay (i.e. organ-on-a-chip systems)..The feasibility project explores a novel way of manufacturing electrophysiological in vitro cell-based assays, which significantly reduces the cost and increases the versatility, ease of use and customizability of such assays. The proposed manufacturing method is based on additive manufacturing and printed electronics..The mentioned advantages are enabled by the expanding portfolio of additive manufacturing methods and materials compared to conventional manufacturing methods used currently..Topsectors involved: the project is about developing a new additive manufacturing based technology platform for drug-testing assays (a high tech system) and fits into the topsector HTSM, on the topics of printing, healthcare, advanced Instrumentation, embedded Systems and hightech materials. And a cross-over to the LSH topsector..The project is exploring both the technical and economic feasibility of the intended R&D project and it’s deliverables. [Aanvrager/Partner] is performing deskresearch, patent research and some early experimetal development and testing to discover whether it can address the technical risks..The goal is to have a go/no-go decision for the next high risk and costly R&D stage.


Projectnummer MIT-2017-0603
Rijksbijdrage € 25.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2017
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Aanvrager geen rechtspersoon