Multidimensional social graph database

TwitterCounter intends to develop software to curate, expose and recommend to social media users content and accounts based on what is most relevant to their business. These recommendations would be based on a variety of data points, going beyond the direct interactions performed by the user..The feasibility study focusses on technical questions, regarding natural language processing, the kind of algorithms and different kinds of data that are needed and other technical bottlenecks..The project is in line with the ambitions of the Topsector HTSM and ICT and the ambitions of the theme; Data, data, data, action lines; Innovative data management and Heterogeneous data (4a and b).


Projectnummer MIT-2017-0092
Rijksbijdrage € 24.960,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2017
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Twittercounter B.V.