Feasibility of Open Source Connector Software for ‘SDGI’ Platforms

[Aanvrager/Partner] plans to build a My Impact Portal, a portfolio management tool for corporate teams, NGO’s, Foundations and Investors to capture, share, and accelerate all scalable company and public/private partnership- CSR, sustainability, and global impact initiatives. The portal will become an easy to use scalable LinkedIn like tool, a spider in the web that brings all scattered inter-company data and activities to one intranet portal, and connects this data and activities to external open, public, private, NGO and other SDG-related platforms. For this, the main technology bottleneck is to connect the hundreds if not thousands local and global platform systems that currently aggregate and display private sector data, either to increase transparency or to broker partnerships and connections. The technological innovation in here lies in developing both a taxonomy with comparable fields, as well as objective metrics and verification methods, so that interoperability can be established. Hence, this MIT Feasibility proposal for CLICKNL is on a novel super-connector for system-independent bi-directional data-processing, with the ultimate outcome being interoperability between platform systems and data environments.


Projectnummer MIT-2017-0086
Rijksbijdrage € 25.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2017
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Creatieve industrie
Aanvrager Aanvrager geen rechtspersoon