Regio Zuid | PREDICT - Towards a PREDICTable combination therapy

To select the best approach for novel cancer immunotherapies, one needs to understand the subtle balans between the immune-suppressive pre-treatment and the treatment with a universal NK cell therapy (oNKord®) in order to predict therapy outcome. ..The project objective is to predict the outcome of NK cell-based immunotherapy treatment of patients with incurable locally advanced or metastatic tumors for which no standard therapy exists. Here, the use of genomics data analysis tools for integrated TCR and NK receptor repertoire analysis enables the development of a unique data-driven combination therapy that delivers: 1) A novel immune suppression regimen in combination with allogeneic NK cell therapy for the treatment of multiple cancer types; and 2) An integrated machine learning driven model that selects an optimal immune suppression treatment in combination with the subsequent NK-cell therapy for improved therapy outcome. ..A smart data-driven approach allows us to gain insight into complex processes and to discover general tendencies in big datasets. That is why ENPICOM BV, a very promising start-up with leading technology in analysis and visualization of immunogenomic data, and Glycostem Therapeutics BV, a worldwide leader in NK cell therapy, joined forces in a R&D-partnership. This R&D-partnership enables predictive modelling for the success of smart immune suppression with glucocorticoids as preconditioning to allow allogeneic NK cell infusion as cancer treatment. ..Glycostem Therapeutics BV brings specific immunotherapy knowledge to the project, while ENPICOM BV joins in with market leading knowledge on bio-informatics.


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0753
Rijksbijdrage € 165.355,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Glycostem Therapeutics BV