Regio Zuid | Optical box for skin tone analysis

Skin cancer cases are on the rise, and the number is expected to double in the coming twenty years. With 51.000 diagnoses and 920 skin cancer related deaths the Netherlands ranks second among European countries . The main reason for this increase in skin cancer cases is that people spend more time in the sun: people have more free time and make more trips to sunny parts of the world . In this way their skin is more often and more intensely exposed to UV radiation..Exposure to UV radiation also has health benefits. It leads to the production of vitamin D, which is essential for, amongst other things, healthy bones and muscles1. Therefore being in the sun should not be avoided, but exposure should be moderated. Methods to determine just how long somebody can stay in the sun without causing harm on skin are either expensive or subjective and unreliable, and do not allow for personalisation or real-time monitoring. This unmet need was identified by UVisio..The goal of this project is to validate the technical and economic feasibility of the development of an optical box for skin tone analysis. The calibration technique is currently used to calibrate digital camera’s for better digital image outputs and is also used for the improvement of digital images. During this project it will be research whether this technology is applicable to measure skin-type and sun-sensitivity..The optical box will be part of UVisio’s ongoing development of the first personalized sun care solution. It consists of a proprietary sensor (‘UVisio Clip’) that can be easily attached to a piece of clothing and a mobile application. The box is needed to calibrate the different smartphone camera’s in varying light settings. In the UVisio app the user takes the image of the skin. An algorithm in the UVisio application analyses the colour and determines the skin type and protection levels needed given UV radiation levels..Activities within this project link-up with the innovation program of Life Sciences & Health. The specific roadmaps that this project fall under are: ‘Imaging & image-guided therapies’ and ‘Health technology assessment, individual functioning & quality of life’. Throughout this project imaging applications will be developed that can help monitor skin conditions, sun allergy and prevent skin-related diseases such as skin cancer on an individual level.


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0695
Rijksbijdrage € 24.984,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager UVisio B.V.