Regio Zuid | eConsent

At Consense Data Exchange we aim to connect health research with the population. We live in the age ofan overflow of data such as your smartphone apps, your wearable device or your health records. Whilecompanies generate profit from analyzing user's data, researchers struggle to access information aboutpatient's health. With the rise of new data protection regulations, the control over personal data lays inhand of the data subject, the individual. Imagine that you are clearly informed about how your databenefits medical research. If you could specify your own terms and conditions, would you share it?Consense wants to offer individuals the possibility to engage with health research by offering a platformin which they can view, share and connect with health research studies. Also, we want to enable them togive permission to use their information under secure and trustworthy conditions by using a digitalinformed consent. On the other side of the platform, we want to enable research institutions andindividual investigators to access a pool of interested participants and to digitize and streamline theinformed consent process. We ensure a secure and trustworthy digitation of the process by usingblockchain technology. Ethereum blockchain will enable us to provide a timestamped proof of signedconsent, an immutable consent history and an auditable consent process. We aim to bring health sciencecloser to you. We want to enable a smoother and open transfer of information for health research in asecure and privacy enhancing way.


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0674
Rijksbijdrage € 25.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Consense Data Exchange B.V.