Regio Zuid | Complementary Split Ring Resonators

AC is building increasingly complex systems for wireless communications, both for sub6GHz applications (WiFi, telematics and gateways) and for mm Wave applications (30 and 60GHz). One of the defining characteristics of these systems is that multiple antennas need to operate either independently, or in a beamforming network. In various 80211ac and 80211ax systems an increasing number of antennas, working in the same frequency range, is integrated. Current designs may have up to 20 different antennas in WiFi applications. A major challenge is isolation between antennas. High isolation is absolutely needed to avoid interference and crosstalk between antennas. Patented technology of AC uses electromagnetic bandgap structures EBG with periodic structures on a surface that 1) reflect waves without phase difference, and 2) avoid or trap surface waves, for highly efficient isolation of antennas...In this project the focus is on Complementary Split Ring Resonators CSRR. Split ring resonators (SRRs) and their complementary variant (CSRRs) are used as basic resonant units in planar microwave filters and are being increasingly adopted due to their compact footprint compared to conventional resonators. CSRRs belong to the class of metamaterials whereby the electric permittivity and/or the magnetic permeability of materials may achieve negative values. The original demonstrations of metamaterials were based on repetitions of squares or hexagons, or on squares for split-ring resonators, but Gielis transformations allow for very substantial improvements. In this, the development of unit metamaterial unit cells based on Gielis transformations will be investigated and tested. It will also be investigated if these structures can be produced at reasonable cost and could lead to separate products and product families for Antenna Company..


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0667
Rijksbijdrage € 22.800,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager The Antenna Company B.V.