Regio Zuid | Hybrid cable/rope with plug-in bolt

The goal of the feasibility study is to research construction/materials and parameters of cable/rope andappropriate joining method in order to take a “go” or “no go” on the development of product (bicyclelock as MVP). Considered will be innovative combination of very strong braided cable/rope and asuperior joining method for assembly of cable/rope with plug-in bolt. If the answer will be “go” a plug-inbicycle cable/rope, which supplements very popular frame lock-installed at almost every bicycle in theNetherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark will be considered. With next products, it will be possible,to get into new markets where lightweight effect resulting from application of Dyneema® fibers willincrease the efficiency of the machines and their perfor-mance radically. BraidSec B.V. is aiming theproblem of high energy consumption of specified machines. An example are cranes and masts. They areequipped with twisted steel wire cables/ropes for lifting the goods. The inefficiency relies on high energyeffort for moving (unwinding and upwinding) of steel ca-bles/ropes. Steel wires used to produce twistedwire cables/ropes have a high-weight. More moving mass require more power installed and the sameresults in more energy consumption during the operation. Accordingly, all components need to be overdimensionedto transfer increased loads. Respectively, costs of machines and operation are higher asnecessary for core function of lifting goods. Another problem, BraidSec B.V. is aiming, is the fact thattoday, steel wire cables/ropes could not be easily exchanged with much lighter materials (non-steel). Thecause for that situation is the inacces-sibility of joining technology of cables/ropes (from highperformancefibers like Dyneema®) with metallic bolts. State of Art to create joining in polymercables/ropes is splicing method (loops/eyes). First after creation of this loops/eyes a metallic bolt will beattached. The attachment of metallic bolts which secure the functionality of cable/rope is done byscrewing or riveting the bolts around the loops/eyes. This double step method is time and labourintensive and has limitations. One of them is the fact that application of one kind of material like highperformancepolymer fibers to construct such cable/rope affects the functionality of aimed solution. Inthat respect, resistance against influ-ence of weather, cutting, required strength, stiffness properties ofthe application must be consid-ered and application adapted. It causes that second or even third kind offiber material (steel+ceramic) is necessary in the construction of cable/rope. Then the joining issue needsnew attitude which is not covered by existing methods.


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0633
Rijksbijdrage € 25.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Chemie en kunststoffen
Aanvrager BraidSec B.V.