Regio Noord | Gait Keeper Protoype 1.0

This project proposal covers the design, feasibility assessment, and experimental development of a wearable diagnostic tool (prototype 1.0) intended for walking pattern analysis. This tool is defined as an instrument comprised of a hardware system attached to a patient collecting biometric data whereby the collected data is analyzed using a software system. This is an innovative prototype concept that is patent pending; all intellectual property rights are owned by BlackTop Labs (BTL). ....Currently, the relation between physiology and the dynamics of the lower limb cannot be effectively tracked with robust objective data over a large window of time (hours to days to years). The integrated sensor system to collect the necessary biometric data, as well as the analysis software to output useful data for the clinicians, does not exist today in one seamless technology designed for immediate diagnostic impact. This is the technology gap we will fill with development. ....Economically, BTL will actively boost the technology sector of the Northern Netherlands in a highly prioritized sector of life and health sciences with specific applications to healthy aging. Future developments will prolong functional independence in individuals by helping to recover the ability to walk (first focusing on the Parkinson’s market). BTL’s initiatives energize the creative design industry in the Netherlands in one of the highest barrier-to-entry markets, health and life sciences – with a specific focus on the RIS3/NIA social interest area of healthy aging. ....A cost-effective diagnostic device that can result in better patient outcomes would cut the cost burden associated with ineffective treatment and, more importantly, drastically improve the lives of many Dutch citizens. BTL also believes that its technology can be adapted for other verticals to bring the same value for better patient outcomes and cost burden control within the stroke, orthopedic, rehabilitation, and other movement disorder markets requiring lower limb rehabilitation. Our indirect economic impact to the Northern Netherlands associated with development of our wearable diagnostic targeted towards gait analysis stimulates the creative/design industry and life science/health industries and creates several technology and engineering jobs (8-10) directly in our company in Groningen within three years. Furthermore, we will set up more Dutch corporate projects with regional partners to develop further product lines and scale commercially. ....Furthermore, we plan to stimulate the entire creative design and health/life science technology sector by commercializing wearable diagnostic tools and, ultimately, commercializing new devices to help patients recover the ability to walk. ..


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0300
Rijksbijdrage € 25.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager BlackTop Labs BV