The development of a customer engagement platform for the live event industry (Close)

While other industries are disrupted by companies like Airbnb and Amazon, the event industry is still growing in a traditional way: focused on creating live (offline) experiences and making money by selling tickets and drinks. Lack of investments in data and digital experiences makes it impossible for most event organizers to serve actual visitors better then random social media fans, blocking the creation of new digital revenues...Starlight and Techonomy believe that actual visitors, paying customers and loyal fans are most valuable for the live event industry. With the Close mobile messaging platform, they want to empower brands, artists and event organizers to improve the customer journey digitally - before, during and after the event - to get customers close. By using Close, people could easily start conversations and create and automate chat content. Moreover, they could chare exclusive content via the mobile chat app that’s relevant, entertaining and convenient.


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0185
Rijksbijdrage € 200.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Starlight Ideas B.V.