In-line separation of organic compounds with a membrane contactor

Goal of this R&D project is to separate fatty acids, in their liquid form, from an aqueous solution, produced by a fermentation process. Until now these fatty acids can only be removed in a solid form, in which case it has significantly less application possibilities and thus economical value. The process of removing fatty acids in their liquid form is called “pertraction”. The corresponding product that facilitates this process is called the membrane contactor. The intended results are, therefore, both a new process and product..If this project is successful ChainCraft will be able to operate in multiple markets. .Pertracta BV can use the results to develop other applications of the pertraction technique and the membrane contactor in several industries, to create a more sustainable and more widely applicable counterpart for extraction. .This project is in line with the program Resource Efficiency, of the Topsector Water. Because of increasing scarcity of resources, waste is a luxury the world no longer can afford. Natural recourses must be recycled; waste is a recourse. This R&D project develops a membrane technology that is applicable in several industries. In this project a separation process called “pertraction” will be developed for the removal of fatty acids from aqueous solutions. Therefore it applies to the goal of improving separation techniques and will this project contribute to a more circular economy. .With ChainCraft Pertracta has found the perfect partner for the next step in the development of their technology. After the successful feasibility study, performed by TNO, Pertracta has been looking for the right environment for the R&D phase of this project. As mentioned earlier ChainCraft has recently opened a brand new facility in the Amsterdam harbour area. This plant has suburb resources for the intended activities of this project. Also in scientific expertise the two partners complement each other perfectly. ChainCraft needs the membrane technology of Pertracta to create new market opportunities with its end product. Pertracta on the other hand now has the opportunities to develop and test prototypes under real conditions.


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0180
Rijksbijdrage € 158.285,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Watersector
Aanvrager Pertracta B.V.