Feasibility of a recommendation engine for a Forglobal market entry City Portal? (FGCiP)

Attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) has become a central component of industrial policy in developed and developing countries across the world. Before entering a foreign market, an entrepreneur faces a complex decision making process regarding the country and/or city where it will establish its business. Several economic and political determinants of investment location play a role as well as the local ecosystem for international business, language barriers and cultural differences.? ? Forglobal helps entrepreneurs and service providers find and meet one another across borders. Their 3-dimension Forglobal market entry City Portal empowers the growth of international business by connecting entrepreneurs with the best local service providers through market entry portals of cities.? ? The objective of this feasibility study is to explore the technical and economic feasibility of a recommendation engine based on novel AI and machine learning techniques, which could smartly connect entrepreneurs to local service providers based on a variety of personal preferences and parameters.? ? This technical feasibility study starts on 17 April 2018 and lasts until 31 December 2018. The project costs will amount up to 67,760 EUR, based upon:? - 60kEUR R&D man-hours? - 7,760 EUR third party costs? Hence, a MIT contribution of 25,000 EUR is requested.?


Projectnummer MIT-2018-0075
Rijksbijdrage € 25.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2018
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Forglobal Group International B.V.