Regio Zuid | DETACT - Detection of Enzymes and muTAtions for Cancer Treatment

Cancer typically takes a long time to develop, and the challenge is to detect it at a very early stage. By intervening in early stage cancer, patient wellbeing will increase, and healthcare costs will be reduced. In this project, Cytura Therapeutics and ENPICOM join forces to develop early screening and early diagnostics in this field. The collaboration means a unique synergy in therapy development, diagnostics, assay development, bioinformatics and machine learning..The most ambitious approach of early detection in the market.The aim of the project is to develop a new biomarker and enzyme-based diagnostic assay for early detection of cancer..The diagnostic assay will be based upon the newest insights on the mutational activity of an endogenous enzyme family. Scientific insights and feasibility outcomes indicate this enzyme family to play a key role..Together with the newest bio-informatics principles based on duplex sequencing and machine learning on pattern analysis in specific human (blood) cells, the R&D-partnership brings a new approach to the market:.- The leap from observation of existing mutations in patients towards identification of the underlying process causing the mutation..- To develop a diagnostic assay to demonstrate the presence of endogenous enzyme and mutations in blood cells of patient with familial predisposition to cancer before the actual onset of cancer..Technology leap.The main focus of this project is to quantify the contribution of an endogenous enzyme family, and relate mutational patterns to specific family members that are known to cause mutations that can eventually lead to cancer. By measuring the enzyme family activity by both biochemical and bioinformatic methods, the responsible mechanism for the early stage mutations and cancer development is investigated and quantified..The intended new principles will be based on duplex sequencing and machine learning and are needed to refine and accelerate mutational pattern analysis in specific human (blood) cells..The market perspective of this diagnostic assay is extremely promising..Topsectors involved: LSH, HTSM & ICT and Chemistry.This fits into the topsector LSH Life Sciences & Health, in the roadmaps enabling technologies and molecular diagnostics. The project has a cross-over with the top sector HTSM & ICT: transcending technology, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning and ICT for monitoring and control. The sequencing technologies, algorithms and large scale analytics in this project are connecting this topsector priorities..The project has a further cross-over with the top sector Chemistry on the topic Chemistry of life, with innovations focused on molecular based treatments, personalized health, facilitating technologies supporting the understanding of cellular processes......


Projectnummer MIT-2019-0912
Rijksbijdrage € 215.845,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2019
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Cytura Therapeutics BV