Regio Zuid | Feasibility new therapy against cancer based on endogenous enzyme blood cells characteristics

SAMENVATTING / SUMMARY.The aim of this project is to determine the feasibility of developing a new ground breaking therapy against cancer, based on the endogenous enzyme blood cells characteristics. Several studies show the presence of endogenous enzyme and/or early mutations in blood cells before the onset of cancer..By measuring and understanding this biomarker principle, Cytura Therapeutics can develop a new therapy to be able to intervene early on with a higher chance of survival and reduction of health care costs..When the technical feasibility of measuring the endogenous enzyme and/or early mutations in blood cells is positive, Cytura Therapeutics can continue in an intensive R&D project in developing and clinical evaluation of small molecule inhibitors of the fore-mentioned endogenous enzyme system to prevent therapy resistance and prevent the development and progression of cancer (a new therapy, new to the market)..The feasibility project explores the technical and economic feasibility of the intended R&D project and it’s deliverables. The main focus is on the technical feasibility of a novel approach of measuring and understanding the presence of endogenous enzyme and early mutations in blood cells. Cytura is performing desk research, patent research and some early experimental development..Topsectors involved: the project is enabling the early detection of cancer based on new biomarker principles and the development in the follow-up project of a ground breaking new therapy. This fits into the Topsector LSH Life Sciences & Health topics, both national and regional agenda. The analysis of endogenous enzyme and/or early mutations in blood cells requires a novel sequencing approach as well (cross-over towards Topsector HTSM – ICT)..The goal is to have a go/no-go decision for the next high risk and costly R&D stage.


Projectnummer MIT-2019-0783
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2019
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Cytura Therapeutics BV