Regio Utrecht | DiMSiM

The project DiMSim aims to develop a validated expert system that assesses the 3D printability of spare parts..Over the years, manufacturers have accumulated technical descriptions of, literally, hundreds of thousands of spare parts. Not all of these are.printable to begin with. Those that are, may well be cheaper to produce in other ways depending on geometry, material and the volumes.requested. Establishing the technical and economic printability of a spare part is a task that is very time consuming. It typically takes an hour for a.3D printing expert to assess the printability of one part! And if that the part cannot be printed altogether, that time will have been wasted. As a.consequence, 3D printing of parts for which there is no ready 3D model or printing file is expensive. DiManEx and Simreka want to join forces to.resolve this problem by developing expert software that will automate the task of assessing the printability of a spare part to a high degree in.technical, supply chain and economic terms. DiMSim falls within the top sector HTSM and ICT, but also ties in with the top sector for Chemistry. The project costs are estimated at somewhat more than € 1 million and project will start in October 2019 and is planned to end in March 2021.


Projectnummer MIT-2019-0740
Rijksbijdrage € 177.314,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2019
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager DIMANEX BV