Regio Utrecht | A.I. writing service

Currently, as a company, Kentivo and its 100% daughter MediaDigitaal produce tailored.content for various niche applications like reports on product announcements and.industry reports for specific regions in the Netherlands. This is currently done by the.editor desk which does not scale easily to large volumes of small niche segments information is required. However, potentially, with Kentivo’s Machine Learning.expertise, an innovative new solution could be created with an A.I. content creator that.compliments the editors to creates niche reports on markets and trends for businesses..Kentivo believes that leveraging Artificial Intelligence, it should be possible to create A.I..based writers that produce a large diversity of market reports and niche articles..Realizing this would create a business stream that can compete with traditional content.creators and market research companies..As the innovative service can be offered across different countries and in domains, the service has the following abilities:.? Production of specific insight reports on narrow niche markets where currently.content creation costs are too high for the volumes, as there are hundred.thousands of niche markets..? Production of branded content where large diversity and ever changing subjects.make content currently prohibitively expensive. An example such a diverse and.ever changing domain is theater tickets. Although there are many different shows,.the sheer volume of informative articles during the life-cycle of shows limits.current content creation to the biggest shows and occasional reviews..Although there is anecdotal evidence on the potential as well as the feasibility at a.technical level, a better understanding of a following of key challenges is required..Technical feasibility.? What is the level of quality regarding A.I. writers that can be achieved with a.small set of example data for training that is valuable for the target customers.and how easily is it to scale topic specific A.I. writers to multiple domains quickly.based on relative small datasets?.? How well would the service scale in terms of human-pre and post processing.versus the results from the machine learning technology like A.I. writing, dynamic.information source acquisition and automatic translation?.? Can the request for contents/reports in combination with organization specific.information sufficiently parameterized by technology to avoid prohibitive costs due.required human intervention?.Economic feasibility.? How well would the service be accepted in the market in Europe? Many niche.segments require special know-how for entry, as shown by many small market.consultancy agencies in niche markets. Can the acceptance risks be reduced by.using different distribution models and go-to-market approaches?.? How can potential risks associated with curr


Projectnummer MIT-2019-0723
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2019
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Kentivo B.V