Regio Oost | EyeReader

Imagine that you are a marketing specialist and have made a beautiful new advertisement for use on an online e-commerce site. But what do those who see it think? Do they even notice it as they scroll down their news feed? Do they look at the logo that you spent so much time on making? Do they read the text you carefully wrote? To answer these questions, designers and user experience researchers use eye tracking to measure where and how test users look at a screen or an object. But the eye trackers currently on the market have two disadvantages. Firstly, they use expensive hardware. Secondly, they only tell you what someone is looking at, not how they feel about it. In this project, we will solve those two problems by creating an eye tracking solution that works with standard cameras (webcams and smartphone cameras) and also incorporates the user’s emotional reactions when using the products. These innovations have the potential to substantially open up the market..Noldus is the market leader in solutions for measuring people’s behavior and VicarVision is the market leader in computer vision technology for measuring emotions from facial expressions. The companies have successfully worked together for over a decade and have an intimate knowledge of the market for this type of product. We are confident that there will be high demand for this product from our customers and we expect a quick return on the investment.


Projectnummer MIT-2019-0670
Rijksbijdrage € 315.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2019
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Noldus Information Technology B.V.