bundling and unbundling TV in multi-cast format
The intended follow-up project consists of the development of a new protocol for bundling and unbundling TV in multi-cast format. The resulting product enables many TV channels to be transmitted over a known and maximum network bandwidth independent of how many people are watching, but at a more affordable price.....Activities in this project link-up with the top sector Creative Industry. Specifically the project connects with the roadmap ‘The Human Touch’, societal challenge ‘Personal Experience’ and the domain of ‘Media & Entertainment’ and touches upon the theme ‘Improvement and functionality of products and tools’. The innovation will spur new possibilities for providing traditional TV services as well as bundling our innovative care specific channels to places where currently the institutions / patients cannot afford them. We have the source of the channels and contractual rights to distribute these channels (NOS, RTL, SBS, BBC, CNN, NG, FOX etc)...