Development of Nxus - the student career platform

Nxus is a Software as a Service (SaaS) startup and has the ambition to guide students from start to finish of their entire university and professional journey, from enrolling at the (applied) university up till the graduation and alumni stage, therein effectively becoming a new student form of LinkedIn. The guidance throughout this journey will allow Nxus to intelligently suggest job and internship opportunities to the student which truly fit their academic and professional background, rather than simply a partial fit because one’s study direction or personal interest. In this project Nxus wants to investigate the feasibility of developing a digital platform, both mobile and desktop, for onboarding, selection, suggestion and matching of students to internships, career and alumni opportunities.


Projectnummer MIT-2020-0210
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2020
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager NexusBay B.V.