Digital Venture Equity Platform

We.Vestr is transforming the way venture equity is structured. We.Vestr is designing a new-age organizational framework which standardizes stakeholder management and therefore empowering the acceleration of next-gen global companies. By digitizing the stakeholder management and incorporating a fully digital stock exchange/marketplace, We.Vestr can offer a disruptive product. Important to note is the fact that We.Vestr is not reinventing the legal structure, but uses the legal form of the cooperation to form the new product. The goal of the product proposition is to simplify the structuring of foundation of companies and therefore increas-ing the chances of success. ..We.Vestr has noticed several problems which occur during the start-up phase of a company. In many cases the entrepreneur is too busy with stakeholder management and fundraising (up to 60% of time in the first three years) with less focus on the core business as a result...The disrupting platform of We.Vestr should tackle most of the current problems and allow start-ups and growing companies to focus on their core business, rather than fundraising and stakeholder management...The long run goal of We.Vestr is to become the mainstream and reliable platform for early and later stage companies across the globe...This feasibility study will allow We.Vestr to research several technical and economic risks which might occur during the development trajectory. The goal of this feasibility study is to map the im-pact of the potential risks involved and develop a technical design of the product to allow for a better planning and structuring of the follow-up trajectory...


Projectnummer MIT-2020-0094
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2020
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager WeVestr Coöperatie U.A.