Regio Zuid | Automized Drawing Register

MasterShip Software BV (MasterShip) is active in the development of CAD/CAM software for shipbuilding since 1986. There is a sister company MasterShip Projects BV active in engineering for shipbuilding. The MasterShip head office is in Eindhoven, the Netherlands..Drawings is one of the main deliverables of the MasterShip software. Keeping track of Version Control, Release Control, drawing Title Block data and in and outgoing files management for these drawings is nowadays a challenge. Handling and failures costs in this drawing management can run up to 12 % of the total design and engineering costs. Therefore MasterShip wants to carry out a feasibility project to identify the technical, economic and marketing risks of an automized Drawing Register with the following objectives:.• Version Control.• Release Control .• Drawing Title Block information synchronisation versus the Drawing Register data and vice versa.• Cloud based use for different collaborative engineering locations with sufficient IP protection..The aim for this automized Drawing Register is to save 50% of the actual handling and failure costs which is 6% of the total design and engineering costs..The overall project will exist of this feasibility project, if positive a follow-up research and development project and a final technical and market implementation. .Innovations for this project will be .• Combining the Version Numbers to the Release Numbers..• Synchronizing the needed data from the Title Block of the drawing into the Drawing Register and vice versa..• Enabling the simultaneous use of the same Drawing Register in the cloud for geographically different work locations by all stake holders with sufficient IP protection..The project will enhance technical and financial risks. To handle these risks the feasibility study as well as partly external funding is required..Mastership is planning to sell this product not only to the shipbuilding market but more general and in cooperation with a marketing partner also to other industries..The project is strongly connected to the Dutch/RVO missions and key technologies and the work is a non-regular business operation for MasterShip. The work will be executed in Eindhoven, the Netherlands...


Projectnummer MIT-2021-0842
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2021
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Watersector
Aanvrager MasterShip Software BV