Regio Zuid | Feasibility study of an accessory to rooftop Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

55% of the world's population lives in urban areas and urban areas consume 75% of the global primary energy supply. It is expected that by 2050 at least 68% of the world's population lives in urban areas. In order to accommodate the growing population of cities, the urban infrastructure will expand and result in an increase in global energy demand. Electricity is the second-largest fuel in the global energy mix and it is expected that a 40% increase in the global energy demand will be due to increased electricity consumption. The increased demand for electricity will be a result of the electrification of transport & heating sectors. Currently, more than 60% of electricity and more than 80% of the total energy is produced from fossil fuels. In order to meet the Paris climate goals, it is important that this increased demand for electricity should be sourced from renewable energy sources. ..Wind Energy is the most significant renewable energy source of energy available in the Netherlands and in general north & western European countries. According to an exploratory study conducted by researchers at T/U Eindhoven which studied the wind resource available in 13 Dutch cities can generate 170 GW of electricity. 170 GW can power about 42,500 houses for a year. Hence we can conclude that if the complete potential of the wind resource in the whole of Netherlands is used we can power up to 18 Million homes for a year...The reason the wind resource is not being utilized is that the existing small wind turbines are less efficient and do not produce sufficient power to justify their installation on rooftops of houses and commercial buildings...The purpose of this project is to enable the owners of houses and commercial properties to produce sufficient electricity required for their own consumption by themselves by harnessing the wind resource available on their rooftops and thereby increase the percentage of renewable energy used in the overall energy mix of the cities...The project wants to achieve the above-mentioned objective by developing a technology that will enhance the power output from rooftop vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). The reason to focus on VAWTs is that they are more suitable for urban environments than Horizontal axis turbines...


Projectnummer MIT-2021-0740
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2021
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Energiesector
Aanvrager Omni Wind