Regio Zuid | Data4Neuro

The global neurosurgical market is rapidly growing driven by aging population. Innovations in this market require to demonstrate value and, therefore, quality and promptly feedback from clinicians regarding how medical devices and drugs are performing in practice is essential. The neurosurgical industry is also looking for new channels to reach out to their relevant market segments and target care providers. Traditionally, industry collects clinicians’ feedback on their experience with medical devices through one-to-one conversations or surveys. This is expensive, time consuming and only collects retrospective reporting from clinicians. Ideally, clinicians’ feedback should be self-reported in situ, at the moment clinicians are using the medical device or prescribing a drug...DecisiX BV delivers interactive (mobile) clinical decision support tools to guide neurosurgeons and neurologists in diagnosis and treatment. DecisiX' Neuromind App, a world-known interactive decision support tool, covers a broad range of sub-disciplines, such as spine, oncology, vascular, or trauma. Up to now, the Neuromind App is a tool for clinicians, but the data it collects can be exploited in such a way that generates data insights the industry needs to get feedback and insights of clinicians and improve their products. ..This project will test the idea of creating a new data-driven platform (Data4Neuro) to provide medical device industry data-insights and functionalities so they reach out to their relevant market segments and target clinicians at the right time at the right place. To this end, we will conduct a feasibility study to address customer and technical requirements, which we will incorporate to create a business plan, earning models and price strategies..


Projectnummer MIT-2021-0690
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2021
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager DecisiX BV