Regio Noord | TheVeganHut Supply Chain Traceability
Currently there is no easy way to tackle Food security, Sustainability, Fairtrade and Animal Cruelty, all in one go, through an online Marketplace and Food/Ordering Delivery platform, due to various bottlenecks. To be specific, there is a dearth of transparency from start to end, the full journey of the product, starting with the soil where it all begins and traversing through different supply chain steps, until it reaches the customer. What the pH value of the soil, the identity of the farmer who cultivated it, organic or inorganic crop, how much the farmer is paid, what material is used for packing, details of the distribution channels with all the financial data transactions involved, food processing details etc. can be published using Traceability, utilizing the emerging technologies of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI). [Aanvrager/Partner] wants to research the technical feasibility of implementing this idea in an online platform.