Low Carbon Global Market Access for Aquacultural Output
Low Carbon Global Market Access for Aquacultural Output..(New Aquaculture Output Preservation Technologies)..A new preservation technology that makes air transport absolete in reaching global markets, as air.transport is both margin consuming as environmental damaging. Delivering more market reach,.better market prices, longer shelf times, lower logistic/transport costs, higher margins, less.monocultures/monoherds and on top of all that: higher quality products (and on top of these things.also making it possible to market the harvest part that wild fishers now waste by giving those rare.catches also a global market by this new preservation technology. Delivering without the need.deepfreeze nor cooling logistics/transport months of shelftime tot he aquacultural output/production,.eliminating the need for expensive conditioned and polluting air transport...High quality preservation technology for seafarm produced products: low energy in processing, low.energy in global logistics, highest quality in preservation, product quality impact free preservation,.no chemicals needed for preservation, no heath needed for preservation, making lowcost reaching.global markets easy, making tradional fishing by/side catches also valuable/marketable, extending.shelf life significantly, reducing farm/retail/consumer food waste, enlarging global food supply.potential...Hoe voorkomen we dat de nog te realiseren massive/intensive aquaculture farms will become as.monoculture as most of the onshore farms are right now? Want anders kopieren we een niet.perfect model naar een nieuwe setting. Hoe real