Regio Zuid-Holland | Doozy – the smart and soothing infant pillow

About 40% of newborns experience infant colic during the first few months of life, causing severe discomfort in the infant and distress In parents: it increases the risk of postpartum depression in mothers, and may result in early cessation of breastfeeding. In extreme cases, it may lead to parents shaking or otherwise harming their child (shaken baby syndrome). No effective solutions exist. Harish Management has an idea for an innovative solution: a smart pillow, the Doozy, that imitates all positive aspects of ‘kangaroo care’ for newborns. Kangaroo care is also known as skin-to-skin contact, an important practice where the baby is chest-to-chest and skin-to-skin with a parent (often the mother). It has been shown to reduce infant mortality, increase newborn weight gain, increase bonding and to positively affect breastfeeding . The Doozy will imitate this care (warmth, breathing, skin-to-skin feel), giving parents an opportunity for a (much needed) break. No comparable product is on the market, making Doozy a highly innovative product with significant market potential...The aim of Harish Management is to develop an actual prototype of the Doozy and start a large trial of the product in three hospitals. In order to do so, Harish Management first wants to do a feasibility study on the technical and economic feasibility. This project is in line with KIA 3, mission I, as it contributes to maternal and infant health and wellbeing, creating a healthy start in life. Next to that, this project contributes to keeping West-Netherlands at the front of new forms of healthcare. In this feasibility study, Harish management will look at how the product can be made technically safe and comfortable for infants (WP1). Moreover research will be done on market entry, and acceptance by end-users (WP2). Finally, results will be evaluated and a final report will be written (WP3).


Projectnummer MIT-2022-1034
Rijksbijdrage € 20.000,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2022
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Harish Management BV