Regio Zuid | Development of a Hand-held keyboard for motor impairments and RSI prevention

Hable and [Aanvrager/Partner] are both located in Eindhoven and develop ‘keyboard technology’. The collaboration between Hable One and [Aanvrager/Partner] in this project addresses two problems related to the use of modern digital devices: the non-inclusive nature of touch screens on one hand, and the risk of RSI related to prolonged use of digital devices on the other hand. The parties take a shared technological basis as a starting point to address both these issues with the two current HCI standards (touchscreen phones & tablets, as well as and keyboard & mouse). The central technology that forms the basis of the solutions both companies develop is best described as a handheld keyboard, which allows users to type and make gestures without dependence on a surface that the keyboard should be placed on. Starting from this technological vantage point, [Aanvrager/Partner] means to further develop the technology into a fully functional competitor of the traditional keyboard and mouse, targeted at desktop or laptop use, offering considerable ergonomic advantages while the transition to the new type of keyboard should be seamless. Hable One will develop the technology into a product that is complementary to its existing portfolio of Braille keyboards for smartphones. With a one-handed version of the handheld keyboard, or in fact an adaptive kit for people with motor impairments, Hable One can meet these specific user needs and offer an even more inclusive solution for people with both visual and motor disabilities to effectively and efficiently use smartphones and tablets in a w


Projectnummer MIT-2022-0928
Rijksbijdrage € 183.190,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2022
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Medische sector
Aanvrager Hable One B.V.