Regio Utrecht | Scalable v-learning platform

For the past two years, the consortium has developed VR Maker Studio: a platform enabling users without programming experience to create v-learning (e-learning that uses Virtual Reality, or VR) content for soft skills training—work typically done by experts in 3D modelling. VR Maker Studio, however, makes it as easy as creating a PowerPoint.....The collaboration was a success, and the software is currently used by several customers. With VR Maker Studio, one user can create a training in a month, rather than having several experts create a training in several months. This reduces the costs to develop a v-learning training from at least € 50 000 to € 5000—this has been validated in the previous project.....The goal of this project is to develop a scalable v-learning platform to deploy v-learning trainings more easily in large companies. The key is that v-learning trainings should be viewable in 2D as regular trainings, on all devices, without VR. To do this, a Kubernetes architecture and cloud infrastructure will be developed that enables v-learning trainings to be run in the cloud and streamed directly to the trainee's device. The training can then be followed on any device, such as mobiles, PCs, laptops—and not only VR devices. The scalable v-learning platform will be integrated into Lepaya's e-learning environment and Learning Management System, to further optimise scalability and efficacy.....The project allows Meta Skills to address large companies with over 500 employees, which is a new customer segment. Lepaya already has such customers and can provide them an additional service.....This project belongs in the top sector ICT. The key technologies for this top sector are found in the Kennis en Innovatieagenda (KIA) composed by Dutch Digital Delta (DDD). Of the five key technologies defined, the project fits within future network services. The proposition also helps on several societal aspects, which all can be traced back to three challenges defined in the Human Capital Agenda of the 'Regionale Economische Agenda' (REA): upskilling, reskilling, and lifelong teaching. Additionally, the DDD recognizes the limitations of a flexible workforce and the relevance of virtual reality in retraining programs, for example in an interview with Maurice Limmen, representative of the Vereniging Hogescholen.


Projectnummer MIT-2022-0728
Rijksbijdrage € 319.648,00
Locatie Nederland
Jaar 2022
Subsidieregeling Mkb-innovatiestimulering Topsectoren
Sectoren Elektronica-industrie, ICT
Aanvrager Meta-Skills B.V.