COVID-19 Decontamination Box (CDT)

FROLIC studio developed an innovative disinfection box that uses "Ultra-Violet Germicidal Irradiation” or “UV-C". This method is endorsed by the World Health Organization.

In the box, viruses and bacteria are removed from personal protective equipment in order to be reused. The box will be redesigned and redeveloped for mass production in Uganda, to protect primary health workers in safely and effectively fighting COVID-19, and ensure the continuity of regular services.

The product will be scaled up locally and manufactured sustainably by skilled workers using local materials.


Projectnummer SB2CO012
Rijksbijdrage € 199.271,00
Locatie Oeganda
Status Lopend
Jaar 2020
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Gezondheidszorg
Aanvrager FROLIC studio BV