COVID-19 telehealth solution for front-line health workers in the community (C-19telehealth)

Healthy Entrepreneurs wants to support health workers, especially in the more remote districts in Uganda, by realizing remote triage (assessment of what care is needed).

This is an effective approach to minimize contamination, optimize response time and maximize the effectiveness of health personnel. The integrated telehealth solution will support a network of health workers with a toll-free line, remote capacity building and tailor-made communication materials.

The remote support improves a safe working environment, traces COVID-19 cases and sustains ICCM treatment.


Projectnummer SB2CO008
Rijksbijdrage € 200.000,00
Locatie Oeganda
Status Lopend
Jaar 2020
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Gezondheidszorg
Aanvrager Healthy Entrepreneurs