Upcycling mouth mask Uganda (UMMU)

TMC, in collaboration with EcoBrix, wants to produce washable, reusable surgical mouth masks out of locally recycled plastic waste at an affordable price.

Together they co-create a new production process for mouth masks, which is fully based on the context of the Ugandan healthcare system, the already existing Eco Brixs production facility and the Eco Brixs recycling network of hundreds of local people. The project ensures a positive impact in 2 ways.

By enabling high-quality affordable reusable mouth masks and by providing a daily income to local collectors of plastic waste.


Projectnummer SB2CO009
Rijksbijdrage € 200.000,00
Locatie Oeganda
Status Lopend
Jaar 2020
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Gezondheidszorg
Aanvrager TMC holding BV