Upcycling mouth mask Uganda

Feasibility study. The Upcycling Mouth Masks Uganda project aims to produce washable, reusable medical grade mouth masks out of locally recycled plastic waste for an affordable price.

In Uganda there is a limited supply of mouth masks. The available supply has either low safety levels or is very expensive. Moreover, most masks are disposable ones. TMC Entrepreneurial Lab and Eco Brixs will produce a sustainable mouth mask in line with European medical safety standards for an affordable price. This will rebuild the trust in the healthcare system and contributes to the fight against COVID-19. 


Projectnummer SB1CO009
Rijksbijdrage € 7.500,00
Locatie Oeganda
Status Afgerond
Jaar 2020
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Gezondheidszorg
Aanvrager TMC holding BV