MogoCaman - An inclusive digital health platform for rural African communities (MOCA)

Feasibility study. MògòCaman is a community-centered, digital health platform for social entrepreneurship and inclusive innovation , proposed by a Dutch-Malian consortium. It offers African communities --vulnerable to Covid-19 -- access to healthcare, information and inclusive finances.

It offers healthcare policymakers a dashboard for monitoring epidemiological data analytics. MògòCaman targets remote communities, using a combination of traditional African and digital communication channels to connect hard-to-reach regions where the Internet is still absent and the number of illiterate people (especially women) is high.

MògòCaman is built on community-centered African-AI technologies for Sustainable Development and is co-created with African partners and adapted to the local context.


Projectnummer SB1CO005
Rijksbijdrage € 7.500,00
Locatie Afrika
Status Gesloten
Jaar 2020
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Gezondheidszorg
Aanvrager Bolesian BV