Remote TVET using Virtual Reality in Jordan

This project will reduce the barriers of access to the practical training of TVET students in Jordan and the MENA region through the development and implementation of low-cost, high quality, stand-alone VR-kits that substitute practical training for students that cannot travel to practical training locations.

The VR-kits including virtual learning journeys will be co-created with TVET teachers and students to maximise adoption, adaptability and scalability. TVET in Jordan will be used as a launching platform with Luminus Technical University College as a regional scalability partner to improve access to practical learning for 1M learners in MENA in 5 years.


Projectnummer SB1DT20019
Rijksbijdrage € 48.400,00
Locatie Jordanië
Status Afgerond
Jaar 2021
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Software
Aanvrager Accent