Al Siha

We propose a free, intelligent and comprehensive health app to improve the quality and accessibility of health information in non-urbanized Tunisia, the Al Siha app.

Tunisia is an upcoming economy that is ready to innovate the quality of rural public health. Currently, Non-Communicable Disease counts for 84% of premature mortality and heart disease, stroke and hypertensive disease are the leading causes of general mortality (WHO, 2018; IHMO, 2020). With 126 mobile subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, it is obvious that digital solutions are the future of access to general health knowledge and resources, particularly for (early stage) patients in rural areas.


Projectnummer SB1DT20017
Rijksbijdrage € 38.500,00
Locatie Tunesië
Status Afgerond
Jaar 2021
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Software
Aanvrager AppsForce B.V.