Autism Telehealth Solution for Morocco

There are at least 300 000 autistic children in Morocco. 30 parent’s associations try to organise treatments. But in fact, there is few follow-ups done by autism professionals.

Parents feel abandoned and are desperate. This situation creates a lot of suffering and a lot of demand for help. We will explore the possibility to build a dedicated digital coaching platform between autistic trainers, children & parents with regular communication with care givers, access to personalised and evidence-based medical information, (remote) control of patient’s progress by psychologists, access via chat, video-teleconsultation, questionnaires, connected to intelligent action plans and procedures.


Projectnummer SB1DT20015
Rijksbijdrage € 39.930,00
Locatie Marokko
Status Afgerond
Jaar 2021
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Software
Aanvrager Spectator Healthcare Technology