Entrepreneurship Made INclusive through Digitisation Project

This project develops a new open-source platform with remote and offline learning as its core priority in Sudan. Its primary focus is on the specific and unique needs of remote youth & young entrepreneurs (aged 15-34).

The platform will not only offer course content in an offline setting, but also concentrate the user functionality on communication and collaboration at four levels: inter-organisational, student-student, trainer-student & trainer-trainer. Functionalities will be optimised for slow internet, and if needed, internet-less areas via battery driven micro servers. This project is led by SkillEd as technological lead and MDF training & consultancy as social innovator.


Projectnummer SB1DT20003
Rijksbijdrage € 39.975,00
Locatie Soedan
Status Afgerond
Jaar 2021
Subsidieregeling SBIR
Sectoren Software
Aanvrager SkillEd